Understanding your Menstrual Cycle


Instructions for recording your...


• Your temperature readings confirm whether you have ovulated.

• This is most accurately taken with a proper fertility thermometer from a pharmacy.

• Your temperature is taken under your tongue first thing in the morning, before getting out 

 of bed. On your chart place a dot in the box which corresponds to your temperature and 

 day of cycle. Day 1 is the first day of your period. 

• Your temperature needs to be taken at the same time each morning, because generally, 

 temperatures rise gradually throughout the day until about 2.00 p.m. For each hour 

 later than the usual time the temperature is recorded one temperature row below. 

 For each hour earlier the temperature is recorded one row above. e.g. If you normally 

 take your temperature at 6.00a.m., though you sleep in until 8.30 a.m. and your 

 temperature is 36.7 degrees, you should record your temperature at 36.45 degrees. 

 (Make a “slept-in” note in the “Conditions Affecting Temperature” box).

• Conditions affecting your temperature may include things like a late night, fever, a cold, 

 broken sleep or alcohol. These may cause abnormally high or low temperatures, result 

 ing in inaccurate chart interpretation if not noted down.


• The nature of your cervical mucus tells you when you are approaching ovulation.

• Check your mucus every time you go to the toilet, before urination, although you only 

 need record your most fertile reading of the day. Record the external sensation, 

 the amount and the texture on your chart before going to bed at night. e.g. mucus may 

 be dry, creamy with a small amount in the morning, but by evening it may be moist, 

 creamy and increased in amount. Record the latter interpretation only.

• Between the thumb and forefinger collect the mucus from the vaginal opening.

• External sensation – Use one of the 3 following to describe the external sensation: dry, 

 moist/damp, or wet. The wetter the sensation, the more fertile you are.

• Amount – this will increase as you get closer to ovulation. It is best recorded in a bar 

 graph form which is easily read.

• Texture – this can vary from none or pasty in the non-fertile phases, to creamy or milky in 

 the stages around ovulation, to clear, stretchy or like raw egg white at ovulation. Each 

 woman is different and mucus can vary from cycle to cycle.


The other rows on your chart will help both yourself and your practitioner understand what else is 

happening with your cycle. Give the pain and emotions a rating out of 10. Tick “intercourse” and 

“sexual desire”, which usually increases around ovulation, and can help with timing of conception. 

When appropriate, mark in the “bleeding” row bleeding with a B and spotting with a S.

You may find this a little overwhelming at first; however, after about 3 cycles you will start to see 

an obvious pattern and be much more aware of your fertility. Your practitioner can help you to 

interpret your cycle to enhance conception attempts.

For more information contact us on 07 83 83 83 2

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